Panel Discussion: Critical Making the Pink Elephant in the Room. By Randi O'Brien
Posted by Randi O'Brien | Posted in Randi O'Brien | Posted on 12:11 PM
Randi O’Brien
Panel Discussion: Critical Making the Pink Elephant in the Room
Location: Tampa Convention Center - Room 22
Time: 3:30PM Thursday, March 31st
Slide 1Thank you Ben and my fellow panelist, and with much gratitude I would like to thank Trey Hill, Julia Galloway, and Beth Lo who have generously supported me over the past 3 years. It is certainly an honor to be hosted by NCECA and we are all grateful for Chanda Glending’s role is the opportunity. Slide 2
When Ben first approached us to participate on this panel and proposed the juicy sound bite “Critical Making: the Pink Elephant in the room”, I questioned which; of the many pink elephants in ceramics, was he referencing.
There is no doubt that there are many superficial hierarchies and comparisons in the ceramics field. Nevertheless and regardless of which ceramic pink elephant you decide to be burdened by, it is simply a metaphor for denial. It is my goal to depart from various justifications for denial, and focus on the bold and subtle qualities of critical making.
Critical thinking results in interpretation, analysis, and evaluation. Simple right? Unfortunately and what predominantly gets over looked are the foundational tools of evaluation. These tools are an explanation of the formal, methodological, contextual, and conceptual considerations of the work. Investigation into formal (what I mean by this are the materials, and the elements and principals of design- line, shape, color, form, etc.), methodology meaning the procedure or technique in creating an object, contextual describing the inter-related conditions in which something exists, and conceptual are the foundations to critical thinking and making.
What is exciting for this panel in particular is the occurrence and relationship of critical making to critical theory. Critical making is not simply aligning yourself to an aesthetic theorist, following his plan, and calling it critical. In fact I find that critical making often ignites modes of critical theory. Slide 4
We see examples of critical making precede critical theory in the faithful and honest genera scenes of the 1700’s and the French enlightenment defined by Montesquieu and Diderot. Slide 4/ part 1 Manet preceding Charles Baudelaire’s writings on modernity in the 1860’s, and later Roger Fry in the 1920’s Slide 4/part 2 and Meyer Shapiro in the 30’s specifically address the way in which art precedes and is isolated from theory in its initial manifestation.
What I would like to do now is look at a vein of art from the past 5 to 10 years that focus specifically on community and discuss the means by which they are making critically. Slide 5
I wanted to start my images with a familiar and obvious face. Ultimately what we are seeing here is the full employment of the 4 tools of critical making, which has certainly been one of the key factors to Ai Weiwei critical acclaim. Slide 6
Ai Weiwei has in the recent years become a household name in the contemporary scene. Between activism, philosophy, photography, film, and social and cultural endeavors he creates both subtle and bold political pieces that take a critical stand towards the drastic changes presently taking place in China. His ceramic works include examples that highlight a range of unprecedented use of Neolithic and Han dynasty vessels as historic “ready-mades”. Slide 7
Methodologically his work is equally direct: With casual indifference he grabs a Neolithic jar , as though he is at a paint your own pottery store, and dips or drips thick, synthetic matt poise pinks, royal blues, teals, yellows, and reds. Slide 9
Weiwei has challenged popular ideas on communities that are far reaching and include communities from the prehistoric past, to material culture, Eastern and Western, communities willing to destroy for the opportunity of success, and communities buying for symbolic status both in the historic and contemporary sense. Slide 12
Similar in content, yet working with unfired clay, Kristen Morgin captures ideas of the past and the way the present lives in it. Whether they are teacups, carousel horses, cars, or Slide 13 comic books her works are splintered into many pieces and have the patina of timeless age. Accordingly, “each work simultaneously memorializes and destroys the object it portrays. Her decayed life-sized objects are realistic in scale and shape, yet they are abstracted through the process of their implied degradation.”[4] Slide 14
Her work occupies an intersection of cultural and economic interests that pays close attention to the ideal of property, value and negligence. Through her use of formal and methodological tactic she recognizes bodily ruin and hardship that are at once romanticized in her solemn and modest compositions. Slide 15
Similar to Weiwei, Morgin’s reflective nature on collection and selective choice on materiality calls into question the contextual standers for valuation and the contemporary misconception of timelessness. Slide 16
Staying in the mode of clay and not ceramics, Dutch designer Maarten Baas who was recently nominated designer of the year, has created a series title “Clay Furniture”[5]. Clay furniture is made of synthetic Clay, with a metal skeleton inside to reinforce the structure. Each of the pieces are made in his studio, and are “uniquely handmade by Baas and his team of ten assistants”[6]. Baas brings a linear finesse that is used to wage blunt satires and pose cutting ironies. Slide 17
Recently the show Object Factory: The Art of Industrial Ceramics’ at the Gardiner Museum, Toronto, challenges micro community and self investigation. While on the one hand this show captures design genera’s from the boldly cynical, re-use, DIY, digital manufacturing, and the traditional, on the other hand the artists meet at the crossroads of critical investigation. Slide 21 The artist share a deep ethical and social consciousness, the will to question the limits of design and the potential to be experimental and innovative. Slide 22 This is a community unafraid to engage conceptuality from both a skeptical and traditional avenue. The curators of these shows have questioned everything and the selected artists have done equally as much. Slide 23
What your seeing here is a tea pot by Jorgen Bey from his minuet series titled 144 minuets teapot. In the same vein as Baas, Bey calls into question making about making. Bey’s conceptual works demonstrate how the table can represent an intellectual space for feasting on ideas. Slide 24
Before I move on from the design phase of my talk I would like to encourage you check out this 5 min video about three designers who were approached by Jurgen Bey Slide 24/ part 1to document the way in which they could design critically about a specific location with Dutch clay as a foundation for inspiration.
(Design research in the Noordoostpolder: Atelier NL and Maarten Kolk
Slide 25
In the wake of the DIY movement and Craftivism we have recently seen a global and micro community rallying for a greater cause. Last year Michael Strand put a spin on Indy-Knitting Craftivism and Craftfitti by developing the ArtStimulus Project. “Art Stimulus was set up as a clearing house for craft generosity projects that quietly gift everyday people with handmade objects.”[11] Strand’s original art stimulus project was centered on the village like communities of Dwight, North Dakota (population 75) and Dwight, Nebraska (population 259). Slide 26
The contextual act of gifting personal handmade objects to strangers in this techno-culture and hyper-reality is nothing short of a critical action. While straightforward, this basic action focuses on the nature of contemporary community through an investigation of accountability and engagement.
I have looked at the former artists from a ceramic or clay centric point of view, however in works that tackle making from a critical perspective; I believe they can then be evaluated alongside any so called blue chip, or fine art concepts. Again diminishing the pink elephant who concerns its self with inequality amongst the arts.
The bottom line is that critical making in the ceramics field is one of many broad techniques to engage our audience. Yet it is the artist who engages critical making through the use of formal, methodological, contextual, and concept that are unburdened by any supposed pink elephant.
To switch modes here: After I had finished this presentation Ben recently informed us that he would like us to address our own work and the modes we make critically… Slide 29 While I’d like to attest to how I’m working towards some greater conceptual significance; In truth, I don’t feel I make as critically as I could. Slide 30 My instincts rest at the heart of history and investigating what was. I constantly worry about making historical estrangements and misappropriating imagery without intent. Slide 31 I’ve recently finished a series of deer that, methodologically were founded in a deep appreciation for craftsmanship, but lacked a connection to the formal and contextual elements in my work. Slide 32I was trying to create clean forms, with voluptuous or sinuous tension; which in this deer series, hinted to the traditional model of allegorical narrative and sculpture. Slide 33 While I referenced historical allegory I tried to transform them into allegories of the present rather than historical re-appropriations.
Slide 34 I’ve just entered into my final year of grade school. In this next 8 months I hope to refine my ideas, in the attempt to better employ my use of materials, techniques, and context into a holistic and fluid concept. The true responsibility for me is to the idea. Thank you.
Carroll, Robert Todd, Becoming a Critical Thinker, (©2004 Robert Todd Carroll)
Friedman Benda Gallery, “Ai Weiwei: Dropping the Urn”, Press Release, Feb 24- April 18 2010, dropping-the-urn-ceramic-works-5000-bce-2010-ce/
Kolk, Maarten, “Atelier NL: Design in the Noordoostpolder, Holland”, Design research in the Noordoostpolder: Atelier NL and Maarten Kolk, holland
New Museum of Contemporary Art, “Kristen Morgin Biography”, Exploring Unmonumental
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