Back at it. (SUPERSTAR: in my mind)
Posted by Randi O'Brien | Posted in | Posted on 12:58 PM
Wow! It has been... FOREVER since I've tinkered with this blog. In Grad-School it was my mission to document as much of what I was reading as possible.
What happened to that mentality (talking to myself)?
It has been a year POST-Grad-School... and my mission has been finding work, staying afloat, finding stability, building kilns, balancing family, and figuring out a new direction in my work. Not that I have accomplished any of the prior, but maybe it's time to begin the documentation again. That is: Documentation of my readings and how people discuss "craft." As I pick this blog back up, a majority of my readings will be ceramics centric and selfish to this, my favorite, medium... CERAMICS.
P.S. is it unusual that my feeling about working with this blog "would best be expresses in a monologue from the made-for-TV movie Portrait of a teenage Centerfold, starring Miss Lori Singer from Footloose." - Mary Katherine Gallagher in Superstar.